As the industry's leading manufacturer of risk-resistant HVAC products, KEES offers the most comprehensive line of security grilles, diffusers, and grates. With extensive experience across a wide range of low-, medium-, and high-risk applications, we are uniquely positioned to meet your security needs.
Here are six key tips from our experts to consider before selecting security air distribution products:
1. Clarify Wall Installation Method
Determine whether grilles will be welded, bolted, or poured in place at the job site to streamline planning and ensure proper mounting. Poured-in-place installation requires early delivery to align with the build cycle and minimizes installation labor. Bolted installation necessitates accurate determination of wall penetration thickness when ordering, with limited field modification capabilities but moderate installation labor. Welded installation offers the most flexibility but requires considerable labor during installation.
2. Give Special Attention to Ceiling Anchoring
It is crucial to assess whether the ceiling can handle the weight of the security diffusers which are often made of heavy gauge steel. If the ceiling cannot support the load, the security diffusers should be independently supported to the structure above the ceiling. Additionally, for lay-in ceilings, consider how the security diffuser will be locked into place. Consider using special ceiling grids that have a locking provision. Otherwise, the installer can “toe-in” fasteners through the grid just above the backside of the diffuser face.
3. Select the Right Material
Consider environmental conditions and durability requirements to choose the most suitable material option. Painted steel is economical and efficient for large grates with heavy-gauge bars, while stainless steel or aluminum are preferable for wet environments due to rust resistance, product integrity, and longevity.
4. Determine Required Sleeve Length
Understand the necessary sleeve length in advance to prevent unnecessary weight and expense. Heavy products complicate installation, increase labor costs, and inflate overall expenditures.
5. Optimize Damper Access for Airflow Balancing
Determine the intended damper access point and end-user expectations for damper adjustability to ensure optimal airflow balancing. Note that certain manufacturers may not offer face-accessible damper options for installations with very small, perforated patterns or passageway blades.
6. Prioritize Safety Considerations
Before selecting security products, it's essential to assess the risk level of the area where the product will be installed. Different areas in the same building may have varying risk levels, ranging from administrative offices and low-risk common areas to medium- to high-risk spaces such as bathing areas or restrooms. Consider factors such as the level of supervision required and the potential for unsupervised activity by high-risk individuals. This comprehensive assessment will guide the selection of appropriate security options to optimize safety for both patients and staff.
Technical Assistance Available
Our experts stand ready to provide responsive technical assistance for your unique security application. Feel free to contact us at any time with questions or concerns. We're here to support you throughout your project.
With a commitment to expertise and customer support, KEES stands as a trusted partner in providing tailored solutions for security applications. Our dedication to quality craftsmanship and flexible manufacturing capabilities ensures that each product is customized to meet the unique requirements of secure environments, offering reliability, durability, and safety. Made in the USA, our products adhere to stringent quality standards, providing peace of mind for customers seeking top-tier solutions for their security needs.